We create video tutorials and intro screencasts for Macintosh and iOS apps.


Image Tricks Screencast
Toast 11 Screencast
DEVONagent Express Screencast

Image Tricks Pro

A quick introduction and feature overview for the image editor from BeLight Software.

Roxio Toast 11

Produced for Roxio, this tutorial introduces the Toast 11 interface and major changes in the new workflow.

DEVONagent Express

This promotional screencast, created for DEVONtechnologies, uses motion graphics give it a dynamic edge.

Need to produce an introductory screencast for a Mac app?

Are your customers asking you to create a set of video tutorials?

Need a sleek animated screencast that fits your company's image?

Contact Us

We also share screencasting tips

in our blog

Ray East of Mac Screencast Productions
Ray East, the guy behind Mac Screencast Productions, is passionate about screencasting and Macs. Ray first got his start in the Mac realm with BeLight Software, where he works full-time as a part of the marketing team. When he is isn't sitting at his MacBook Pro creating screencasts, Ray enjoys playing jazz, dabbling in photography, and trying to design things here and there. You can read his screencasting blog for video production tips and tricks, or follow him on Twitter just for the heck of it.
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